Saturday, January 31, 2009

Water by Cody Clarke

by Cody Clarke

Water doesn't just come from nowhere
That percent you carry
depending on how fat you are

When you were formed in your mother
it came from your mother

and then eventually
I don't know when
but I guess when you're older
(I don't know exactly how long it takes)
all of it has been replaced by new water
from drinking new water

That's something

That's an event
even more interesting than a birthday
even if it can't be precisely measured
only approximately calculated

How does water deep inside you leave though

What makes your gooey organs get less gooey and wet
and need new water
and receive new water

What's the process

Or does it never need new water
Is the water that makes your organs gooey
the same water that's always been in you

It can't be
that's too crazy

I remember going over digestion in school
but I don't remember how water gets distributed
after it gets drank

Your stomach is probably in charge of it
Your stomach does a lot

I don't want to use Google
I'm just gonna give the credit to the stomach
because it deserves it

and if I'm right
the poem is non-fiction
and if I'm wrong
the poem is fiction

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