Saturday, July 12, 2008

Movie Review: Out For Justice

Out For Justice

Directed by John Flynn

91 min.

What Am I Doing With This Movie
Steven Seagal rules, I don’t give a fuck. People say he’s washed up, his acting sucks, and he fights wooden, but those people haven’t seen him in his prime. He was once the fucking man. I’ve seen Above The Law, Hard To Kill, and Under Siege. According to Seagalogy, my new bible, this one’s even better than those, so I picked it up for three dollars on a few weeks ago, and finally got a chance to watch it last night.

What Is This Amazing Movie Holy Fuck
This is not only his best movie, but it’s definitely one of my top three favorite action movies of all time. It’s unlike any other action movie I know, and it doesn’t miss a fucking beat. Not one scene in this entire movie drags. Damn near every other line is quotable. The action is fantastic. I want to watch this movie again right now.

What I Learned From This Movie
- If you use a weapon against Seagal, it will be used against you.
- A true man solves his problems not with the entire NYPD police force at his disposal, but with an unmarked car and a shotgun.
- If Seagal says he hopes to see you again, he will see you again, and he will hurt you.
- Dogs can be kept in locked cars all night and be fine, as long as you buy two bags of 'puppy dog food' and a six-pack of seltzer and leave them unopened next to it.

What Do You Mean There’s Gotta Be Some Stuff That Sucks About It
No, nothing. I’m fucking serious, this is a great movie. I laughed and cheered throughout and I wish I could see it on a big screen so fucking badly.

What Else
Nothing else. Go see this movie right fuck now, I don’t care who you are. Anyone who doesn’t like this movie is a shit head.

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