The following are possible explanations for my tiger dream. Keep in mind that these are only one man's opinion. If you are seeking the opinion of more than one man, or a different man, click here. (Ha! There are none.)
Also, if you have your own opinion on what my tiger dream means, please feel free to comment on this post. Only the best opinions will be accepted! If your opinion was of objectively low-quality you will not see your opinion appear on this website.
Theory Number One
I have a giant stuffed tiger. I've had it since I was 10 or so. My grandparents got it for me at a Christmas Tree Shops.
Have you ever noticed that Christmas Tree Shops is actually the name of the store, not the name of all their stores? If you look at their store it says Christmas Tree Shops on it. Not Christmas Tree Shop. The store is plural.
I make nothing up.
I was so happy when I got the stuffed tiger. It's really quite giant. I'd always wanted a giant stuffed animal as a youth, like the ones at F.A.O. Schwartz.
When I was a child of like 6 or 7 I had an F.A.O. Schwartz shirt that said "F A O" on it. Have you ever noticed that the letter O is kinda shaped like the letter G? I was called a fag. I never wore the shirt again.
Maybe the tiger in the dream represents my youth, and my inability to embrace it? Maybe I'm scared of being young? When I was young all I wanted to do was be older, and not have to go to school, or be around immature people that I didn't want to be around. Maybe this tiger running around in the meadow is my youth chasing me, dying for me to embrace it. Then when it bites me, I realize youth not so bad, and I have nothing to be afraid of.
Problems With This Theory
It's kinda flimsy. I've always despised entitlement, and the concept of grown-ups. I hate respecting elders. I respect people on an individual basis. Age tells you nothing about someone. Also, I have no problems with kid stuff. I saw Kung Fu Panda, and enjoyed myself. The only things I hated about my youth were the other kids that were dicks, and school. This theory doesn't really work.
Theory Number Two
Tiger represents the random, the chaotic; that which cannot be predicted. I'm a hypochondriac, and whenever I get sick I think I've caught some sort of disease. Maybe the dream was about me embracing the fact that in life, shit happens, there is as much chaos as there is order, and that's not a bad thing; it's just a thing, and I have nothing to be scared of. Then later, when I watch a nature documentary I realize that I'm not alone, that everyone is in the same boat when it comes to chaos. It affects and effects us all, and none of us are truly alone with tragedy.
Problems With This Theory
Not much. This theory kicks ass and could very well be the message of the dream. It makes more sense than the first theory.
Theory Number Three
Tiger is a giant, hungry vagina. My wrist is my penis. The movie is a porno.
Problems With This Theory
Submit theories of your own. Even though I'm leaning towards Theory Number Two, I'm open to other thoughts. Also, feel free to presuppose shit about me. I don't care. Make it interesting. Interesting is cooler than fact.
To Be Continued...