Cannibal: The Musical
Directed by Trey Parker
96 min.
What Am I Doing With This Movie
I bought it for three dollars at a Gamestop back when Gamestop sold used DVD’s. Is that just a regional thing, or is that across the country? In NYC they don’t sell used DVD’s anymore. It’s a shame because you could always find cheap gems if you sifted through. Anyway, I just never ended up watching it.
What Am I Knowing About Said Movie Going In
Made in college by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Got picked up by Troma. Gory stuff. Musical stuff.
What I Am Knowing After Said Movie Finished
There are a lot of funny jokes in this, some gut-busting. There are jokes that miss too, and parts that drag, but it was made by students on their vacations. If this were a big production, I’d be harsher on it, but I know what it’s like to work with limitations, and I’ve seen a lot of student-made crap. This is definitely not student-made crap. You can tell by watching this movie that Trey Parker and Matt Stone were brilliant way before South Park, and naturals waiting for an audience to catch up with them.
What About The Gory Stuff
I’m fully desensitized to movie gore, so I’m a bad judge on what’s gory or not, but this is Monty Python type stuff to me. Fun stuff, not scary stuff.
What About The Musical Stuff
A few of them are phenomenal, a few are forgettable. The main one will be stuck in your head forever.
What Else
Don’t be discouraged just cause this is an uneven student film. There are some truly hilarious moments in here that can’t be missed, especially if you’re a fan of Trey and Matt’s other work. Remember, this isn’t a student film by your stoner friends at Brooklyn College shot on VHS-C, this is a student film by two guys who changed animated comedy forever.
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