Directed by Prachya Pinkaew
110 min.
What Am I Doing With This Movie
I'm a big martial arts movie fan, and I've loved Pinkaew and Tony Jaa's output so far. When I saw the trailer for this online a while back, I couldn't wait to see it. This girl was being heralded as the female Tony Jaa, and her moves seemed top notch. Found out a few days ago that the thai DVD of this was out, ordered it on ebay, and it came today.
What Are You Not Doing With This Movie
Buy this movie if you love Tony Jaa. Buy this movie if you love martial arts. Buy this movie if you love martial arts without stunt doubles or CGI or wires. Buy this movie just cause. Fuck, it's good.
What's So Good About It
Great pace, concept, and execution. Phenomenal action sequences. These guys are really devoted to their craft, and they get hurt a lot too as a result. The credits are full of what injuries occurred. I also think this is probably the best movie since Kill Bill for girls. Girls need movies where girls kick ass. There are too many movies with girls in incredibly insulting roles where they don't get to do shit but stand there while other people kick ass.
What Are You A Feminist
I'm pro people kicking ass. I think if more people kicked some ass this world would be a better place. If I went out with a girl and she punched me in the face I'd marry her and kick her in the ribs. I'm not talking about angry or evil violence, I'm talking about what's good and healthy. We'd have stronger kids than you'd ever think possible. They'd change the world and fight crime. I'd fuck and fight my wife every night and make even more kids. They'd all grow up to be great people.
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