When the only reference to christmas in your song is the title of the song, repeated at the beginning of each chorus, you're cheating! Wham cheated!
As good and catchy as the song is, it's barely a christmas song. I cannot prove this, but I'm pretty sure they just took a regular ol' single they had up their ass, stuck the word 'christmas' in it, and shipped it off as a christmas song, because there is nothing christmas about the subject matter of the song. The song is about getting your heartbroken by someone, and then this year, not letting it happen again. What is christmas about that? Nothing, except for the fact we are told it happened last christmas. They could've said it happened whenever! The song could have been called Last Year, or Last Time, Last Ramadan for fucks sake.
Nonetheless, it's catchy as fuck, and now that I think of it, what they did was genius. By turning this single into a christmas song, they made it so it would only be listened to at a certain time each year... which means it can never get old, because if you only listen to it in December each year, it's impossible to get sick of it. Fuck Wham for being smart cheaters!
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