Monday, July 20, 2009

I Drive My Car for God

I Drive My Car for God
by Cody Clarke

All the time, every day
through boring, busy cities
or on endless highways
I drive my car for God
I clean up for him

I'm a street sweeper
the machine, not the job
there is no choice
behind my actions
just whirring

and all the lives
that I deliver unto him
are like carrots
when they crunch
and they squish

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Important Announcement

I have just received word that apparently, I am considered a 'developing nation':

Have I really been getting that fat? I rely on you, my fans, to straightforwardly and honestly tell me, as insultingly as possible, when I've gained even a slight amount of weight, so that such a problem can be remedied immediately. You have dropped the ball. I blame you in full.